Animal Fats

Animal Fat

Animal Fat is a by-product of meat and poultry production. It is commonly found in food, soaps, and is a key component in various greases. Our company is a leading animal fat suppliers by wholesale price in the market. You can buy animal fat on our site just for a few clicks.

Edible Animal Fats

Edible animal fats are used in baking, cooking, and production of food supplements for both humans and pets. There are strict limitations on what kinds of animal fats can be used in edibles — and Digeoris’s produce fulfills these requirements perfectly.

Quality parameters of Digeoris Edible Animal Fats
Shelf Life 6 mo.
Color (at 15-20 °C) Yellowish–Light Brown
Odor specific, but not putrid
Moisture content < 0.5%
Mass fraction of unsaponifiables < 1%
Mass fraction of insoluble substances in the air < 0.5%
Acid number < 10 mgKOH

For your variety we offer to buy the following animal edible fats chicken and pig. Both are of excellent quality, have a wide variety of uses, and come with a health certificate valid for the EU.

Inedible Animal Fats

Inedible, or technical animal fats come from rendering inedible fat trimmings and waste fats, and can not be used in the food production. However, they still have many uses in making of greases, soaps, cutting agents, and other chemistry reagents. There are also projects for using inedible animal fats as an energy source, commonly called “biofuel” or “renewable diesel”.

Our technical animal fats correspond with the “Technical Regulations for Fat and Oil Products” (TR CU 024/2011) and are allowed for import into the EU.

Quality parameters of Digeoris Technical Animal Fats
Shelf Life Unlimited
Color (at 15-20°C) Matte White–Yellow
Odour specific
Moisture content < 0.5%
Mass fraction of unsaponifiables < 1%
Mass fraction of insoluble substances in the air < 0.5%
Acid number < 10 mgKOH
Pour Point 0°C

Edible Chicken Fat

Edible chicken fat is the main component of the chicken soups and chicken flavoring and also used in different kinds of pet foods.

We are using the low-temperature rendering technique, since it is more efficient and, when used properly, allows for a cleaner production line. To prevent the development of harmful bacteria, we are using temperatures over 80 °C.

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Edible Pig Fat

Edible pig fat is commonly known as lard and is the main cooking fat in multiple cuisines all over the globe. It has a lot of saturated acids and contains no transfats, which makes it a healthier alternative to margarine.

We are using the wet rendering methods to produce lard with a more neutral flavour, which can be used in baking and cooking of a wider variety of foods.

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Technical Chicken Fat

Technical chicken fat is mostly used in biodiesel production and has little uses in other industries. Still, it remains a major source of ecofuel and since 2006 different chicken fat biodiesel production methods have been pioneered by different EU and US companies.

However, chicken fat-based biofuel is not as desirable as the soybean-based fuel and has somewhat inferior properties. If you are interested in the leading source of ecofuel, check out the Digeoris’ rapeseed and soybean oils.

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Technical Pig Fat

Rendered pig fat can be used in the production of biofuel and soap, as well as a wide variety of tallows and greases. It has been slowly pushed out from the latter industries by the other technical fats — both of plant and animal variety — but lard still remains popular in heavy-duty machining.

Technical pig fat is the leading source of biofuel, when it comes to the animal fat varieties, due to its high energy content and easily renewable resources that come as a by-product of a popular industry. Its technical properties easily compare to the rapeseed and soybean oils.

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