Chicken technical fat

Chicken Feed Fat

Digeoris offers high-quality poultry fat, suitable for use in animal feeds. Our fats are certified in European Union and comply with Regulation 1924/2006, which allows their use in animal food. We also offer Technical Chicken Fat for industrial use.

Qualities of Digeoris Technical Chicken Fat
Storage period indefinite
Color at 15 °C white-to-yellow
Odour specific
Moisture content < 0.5%
Mass fraction of unsaponifiables < 0.75%
Mass fraction of insoluble substances < 0.5%
Acid number < 10 mgKOH

Production Process of Technical Chicken Fat


Technical chicken fat does not require preservation of its nutrients and vitamins, which allows for more efficient rendering methods.

Digeoris technical animal fat is made via hot rendering: the material is ground and driven beyond the boiling point of water in a highly pressurized container, which causes instant separation of liquids and fats.

The remaining solids are then pressed to release the remains of fat and turned into bone meal.

Goods that Use Chicken Technical Fat

Generally, companies buy technical chicken fat for production of industrial lubricants used at metal and petroleum plants. Some chemical and pharmaceutical factories also use lubricants based on animal fat, although synthetic oils are the more popular option in those industries.

Lubricants are the most common products that use technical animal fat but there are other applications. For example some petroleum manufacturers buy technical chicken fat and use it as a pressure stabilizer. There also have been successful experiments on turning chicken fat into biodiesel in the University of Minnesota, and Renewable Energy Group recently opened a chicken fat ecofuel plant.

Use of Technical Chicken Fat in the Production of Lubricants

Chicken fat is a highly sought-after component for lubricants. And while these lubricants are not as popular as their synthetic or plant-based counterparts, there still are some areas where animal fat-based greases and tallows hold their positions.

For example, concoctions based on chicken fat are common in woodworking where they are used to ease the friction when screwing metal elements into hardwood.

Transportation of large volumes of chicken fat

We ship raw technical chicken fat in industrial chemical containers via lorries and cargo ships. The exact shipping method will depend on your location. Shipping time is 10 days, and we will e-mail you a copy of a shipping manifesto, as well as a tracking number.

You can buy technical chicken fat in quantities of 22 tons or more. Bulk orders will receive an additional discount. Orders over 2 000 tons will require more time to package and ship.

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